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Hemaceutical Strategy

NYBCe’s Hemaceutical™ Strategy aims to raise the standard for transfusion medicine by acquiring, licensing, or co-developing technologies that will yield pharmaceuticalized products for transfusion.

This spans beyond the traditional blood banking services, with the aim to continuously improve patient care and foster innovation, ultimately expanding product supply and impact.

Current initiatives under the NYBC Hemaceutical™ Strategy include:

  • NYBCe’s Translational Research and Development Lab (TRDL) which focuses on translating scientific innovations to create the future of transfusion medicine.
  • Expanding the supply of blood for research in order to foster innovation and development of new technologies.
  • Products including:
    • PAS Platelets
    • SD Plasma (Octaplas™)
    • Pathogen Inactivated Cryoprecipitate

NYBC Ventures Hemaceutical™ Investment Initiative

In partnership with New York Blood Center, NYBC Ventures has launched a Hemaceutical™ strategic investment initiative. The objective is to invest in significant innovations that enhance transfusable blood products’ safety, characterization, preservation, and standardization to a higher grade.