We are dedicated to serving communities nationwide through the collection, manufacturing, testing, and distribution of millions of blood products each year
Learn more about our blood product and service offerings below.
RBCs, or packed red blood cell units, are prepared from donated whole blood or collected by apheresis. The majority of NYBCe’s RBCs are stored in an additive solution that allows for a 42-day shelf life.
- Leukocyte Reduced
- Irradiated
- Frozen/Deglycerolized
- Washed
- CMV Negative
- Antigen Negative
Frozen plasma products include fresh frozen plasma (FFP), which is separated and frozen within 8 hours of collection, or plasma frozen within 24 hours of collection (FP24).
- Cryoprecipitate-Reduced Plasma
- Cryoprecipitate
- Octaplas™ – a solvent/detergent treated, pooled human plasma for intravenous use only – indicated for replacement of multiple coagulation factors in patients with acquired deficiencies due to liver disease or undergoing cardiac surgery or liver transplantations, and in plasma exchange in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).
Platelet products are either manufactured from: apheresis collections, also known as single donor platelets (SDP), plateletapheresis or apheresis platelets; or whole blood derived platelet concentrates.
- All leukoreduced
- CMV seronegative available
- Can be washed to remove plasma
- Can be irradiated
- HLA matching available – Request Form
- Antibody Screening – Platelet Crossmatch
NYBCe maintains frozen reserves as FDA-licensed products. Blood can be frozen and stored up to 10 years, but must be transfused within 24 hours of thawing. Frozen units can be shipped anywhere in the U.S., subject to prevailing regulations.
- Washed RBCs and Platelets
- Autologous Donation and Frozen Storage
- For more information, please call 718.752.4633
- Our Whole blood products contain approximately 500 ml of anticoagulated whole blood.
Granulocyte products are collected through apheresis.
- Granulocyte Product Request Form
- Autologous blood donation is a process by which, before your upcoming surgery, you can donate your own blood to be used for transfusion.
- Directed blood donation is a donation in which the recipient chooses the donor. It is also an alternate way of having the desired amount of blood for surgery if you are not able to donate your own blood by reason of physical or medical restrictions.
- Learn More about how you can donate blood.
HEMACORD® – the first FDA-approved allogeneic cord-blood derived hematopoietic stem cell therapy product.
NYBCe provides a number of blood products for research use only, including LeukoPaks (buffy coats and White Blood Cell TRIMA Filters), whole blood, and monoclonal antibodies to RBC antigens.
- Ready-to-Ship Products:
- Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, Frozen Plasma Product, Platelet Products, Granulocytes, and Blood Samples
- Specialty Blood Products:
- Buffycoats / LeukoPaks, Monoclonal Antibodies to RBC Antigens, Cord Blood Units, and Platelet Lysate
- Ordering Process:
- Cord Blood
- Other Research Products:
- REQUIRED: Attach a brief explanation of how the blood will be used.
- IRB Approval – submit copy of your IRBs approval if any. If no IRB approval was obtained, the NYBCe reserves the right to request such review and approval prior to supply of blood components.